фото: Image taken from page 5 of 'The Huth Library, or Elizabethan-Jacobean unique or very rare books, in verse and prose, largely from the Library of Henry Huth ... Edited, with introductions, notes and illustrations, etc. by the Rev. A. B. Grosart'

Описание: Image from 'The Huth Library, or Elizabethan-Jacobean unique or very rare books, in verse and prose, largely from the Library of Henry Huth ... Edited, with introductions, notes and illustrations, etc. by the Rev. A. B. Grosart', 001522178 Author: GROSART, Alexander Balloch. Volume: 02 Page: 5 Year: Place: Publisher: Following the link above will take you to the British Library's integrated catalogue. You will be able to download a PDF of the book this image is taken from, as well as view the pages up close with the 'itemViewer'. Click on the 'related items' to search for the electronic version of this work.


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