фото: Mt. Elbrus from Mt. Cheget

Kirill SkorobogatovTerskol • 26-07-2015  

Описание: Just before the storm the air on Mt. Cheget got literally electric to the point that it was making noise. I quickly snapped several shots and rushed down. Mt. Elbrus is seen with its southern glaciers with just the saddle between the two summits being covered by the storm clouds. Multiple rivers are seen, as well as the Azau meadow in the center of the lower part — from which the ropeways depart onto Mt. Elbrus. Almost all key points of the southern aspect are seen when zoomed: the ropeway stations, the huts at both 3800m and 4100m, and also the classical ascention route past the Pastukhov rocks. The road in the right part is seen passing by the "Lady's Dreads" waterfall and the Terskol observatory. It is the road this Mt. Cheget panorama was shot from: flic.kr/p/wYv4Hh.


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