фото: Orion Nebula, Take 3

Описание: My first image taken with the EM-200 mount. Having bought it in March, I broke it and it's been being fixed for half a year. Either way, the weather has been crap. Compared with the previous 2 takes of the great M42, both of which were single 30 second exposures, this is a stack of 60 exposures, each 1 minute long, making it a whole hour of data, which is most obviously noticeable by the finally visible NGC 1977 nebula at the right part of the frame. Unfortunately, the Moon was almost full, thus the terrible amount of pollution/noise. I am also suspecting the lens may have fogged, although I did not check. My main goal was, of course, to finally try out the mount. All exposures were unguided, off the first time polar alignment. The next step will be to bring guiding into the equation and buy heating for the optics.


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