Title: "Illustriertes kleineres Handbuch der Geographie ... Dritte, verbesserte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. W. Wolkenhauer" Author(s): Wolkenhauer, Wilhelm [person] ; Daniel, Hermann Adalbert [person] British Library shelfmark: "Digital Store 10006.f.21" Page: 614 (scanned page number - not necessarily the actual page number in the publication) Place of publication: Leipzig Date of publication: 1899 Type of resource: Monograph Language(s): German Physical description: 2 Band (8°) Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue: 000860149 (physical copy) and 014847122 (digitised copy) (numbers are British Library identifiers) Other links related to this image: - View this image as a scanned publication on the British Library’s online viewer (you can download the image, selected pages or the whole book) - View this digitised map overlaid on a modern map using the British Library’s Georeferencer service - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library Other links related to this publication: - View all the - View all the (1899) - Download the Optical Character Recognised (OCR) derived text for this publication as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library. Эта и другие достопримечательности, города, люди и просто фотографии на Картинках NofolloW.Ru">
фото: British Library digitised image from page 614 of

British Library • 09-12-2013  

Описание: Image taken from: Title: "Illustriertes kleineres Handbuch der Geographie ... Dritte, verbesserte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. W. Wolkenhauer" Author(s): Wolkenhauer, Wilhelm [person] ; Daniel, Hermann Adalbert [person] British Library shelfmark: "Digital Store 10006.f.21" Page: 614 (scanned page number - not necessarily the actual page number in the publication) Place of publication: Leipzig Date of publication: 1899 Type of resource: Monograph Language(s): German Physical description: 2 Band (8°) Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue: 000860149 (physical copy) and 014847122 (digitised copy) (numbers are British Library identifiers) Other links related to this image: - View this image as a scanned publication on the British Library’s online viewer (you can download the image, selected pages or the whole book) - View this digitised map overlaid on a modern map using the British Library’s Georeferencer service - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library Other links related to this publication: - View all the illustrations found in this publication - View all the illustrations in publications from the same year (1899) - Download the Optical Character Recognised (OCR) derived text for this publication as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library.


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