Title: "A New General Atlas, containing a Geographical and Historical Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms and other Dominions of the World ... The maps ... are all engraven or revised by Mr. Senex, etc." British Library shelfmark: Maps 1 TAB.7. Place of publication: $aLondon Publisher: D. Brown Date of publication: 1721. Item type: xiii pages. 272 and 141-261. 34 Pl Dimensions: 260 x 430 mm (folio) Former owner: George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 - Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue - View all the - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library (maps_1_tab_7_p228) The Topographical Collection of George III contains drawn and printed maps, views and atlases produced between 1500 and 1824. Read more about the collection here. Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections. The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library. Эта и другие достопримечательности, города, люди и просто фотографии на Картинках NofolloW.Ru">
фото: The BL King’s Topographical Collection:

British Library • 22-05-2021  

Описание: Book information: Title: "A New General Atlas, containing a Geographical and Historical Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms and other Dominions of the World ... The maps ... are all engraven or revised by Mr. Senex, etc." British Library shelfmark: Maps 1 TAB.7. Place of publication: $aLondon Publisher: D. Brown Date of publication: 1721. Item type: xiii pages. 272 and 141-261. 34 Pl Dimensions: 260 x 430 mm (folio) Former owner: George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 - Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue - View all the illustrations found in this publication - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library (maps_1_tab_7_p228) The Topographical Collection of George III contains drawn and printed maps, views and atlases produced between 1500 and 1824. Read more about the collection here. Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections. The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library.


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