фото: Abakan - Khakassia - Russia

Rita WillaertAbakan • 14-09-2014  

Описание: Abakan - Khakassia - Russia Visit to the Regional Museum of Abakan, Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore We can see the exposition of stone monuments in the Regional museum of Khakassia. Among them there are fantastic animals, sun like gods, figures with animal's heads. Local people believe that some of these stones still have great power. www.sayanring.com/guide/city/view/7/museum Abakan (Russian: Абакан; IPA: [b'kan]; Khakas: Абан) is the capital city of the Republic of Khakassia, Russia, located in the central part of Minusinsk Depression, at the confluence of the Yenisei and Abakan Rivers. Abakan's sites of interest include Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, "Good Angel of Peace" sculpture, park of topiary art, and many others. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abakan Abakan (Russian: Абакан; IPA: [b'kan]; Khakas: Абан) is the capital city of the Republic of Khakassia, Russia, located in the central part of Minusinsk Depression, at the confluence of the Yenisei and Abakan Rivers.


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