фото: Tomato Gose

Sergei F • 27-01-2022  

Описание: Tomato gose. It is made with the addition of juice, puree, brine, or tomato extract. Many breweries experiment with the style by adding new ingredients - for example, basil, chili, curry. The tomato component is added to the beer at the premarpening stage of production. Gose is a traditional German style of wheat beer of spontaneous fermentation, the taste of which is determined by lactic acid, salt and coriander. At one time, the entry of goze into the German market was hindered by the Reinheitsgebot - the Beer Purity Act, the variety gave up due to Napoleonic sanctions, was oppressed by the appearance of lagers and pilsners on the beer scene, disappeared from the radar during the Second World War, when all goze breweries were shut down. A new page of gose's biography is connected to the U.S., more precisely to New England, whose brewers are working on gose-style beers and ambitiously believe that gose will become the new IPA.


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