фото: Дутшевская ГЭС

Александр Б. • 02-08-2019  

Описание: Dutshevskaya hydroelectric station is one of the small hydroelectric power stations in the Moscow Region. It is located on the Sestra River and named for the nearest village of Dutshevo, Dmitrovsky District. Dutshevskaya hydroelectric power station was built in the 30s of the last century. The station's dam was earthen (it was the only crossing to the opposite bank), the channel part was made of hand-laid concrete with turbines and generators, the spillway part was wooden. In the 70s, the hydroelectric station was abandoned. To this day, a wooden flatbet, ridge constructions of the left bank and the remains of the engine room with three hydraulic turbines along with shafts have been preserved.


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