фото: Russia is 150 km from Moscow.

Александр Б.Nerl' • 27-05-2020  

Описание: The village of Nerl is located in the east of the Tver region, in the Kalyazinsky district. It lies on the left bank of the Nerl River, 25 kilometers from Kalyazin along the road Sergiev Posad - Cherepovets. Story The first information about the settlement in these places dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. At that time there was the Trinity Monastery, and with it - the trading settlement of the Trinity-Nerl. In 1609, a wooden monastery with a settlement was burned by the Poles. The new settlement was called Trinity-Nerl. It appeared in the Porech volost of the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver province. It was a merchant village, with weekly bazaars and a Trinity Fair. On the central (bazaar) square were malls, merchants, shops, taverns and inns. In 1929, the Nerl became the administrative center of the eponymous district, which lasted 27 years.


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