фото: Дербенник иволистный или Плакун-трава (Lythrum salicaria)

Александр Б. • 16-08-2020  

Описание: shot with a Chinese manual focus lens of 25mm / 1.8 The first thing that attracts attention in the loosestrife (plakun-grass) is its high (up to 50 cm) bright inflorescences, consisting of small star-shaped flowers of different shades. It is thanks to its exquisite appearance and amazing unpretentiousness that this perennial quickly won the love of gardeners. In addition to its spectacular appearance, the loosestrife has other indisputable advantages: The plant is medicinal. Moreover, this fact is recognized by both traditional and official medicine. When preparing broths, all parts of the plant are used, both roots and stems with leaves. The loosestrife helps with dental problems, diseases of the genitourinary system, headaches, colds. The loosestrife is a melliferous plant, and the honey obtained from it has a tart and pleasant taste. A yellow food coloring is produced from flowers and roots of plakun-grass, which is distinguished by high persistence. The tannins contained in the roots are used to impregnate fishing nets, which protects them from decay.


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