фото: Church in Dulovo Konakovsky district Tver region.

Александр Б.Spasskoye • 02-08-2019  

Описание: Almost 30 kilometers southeast of the city of Konakovo (in the Ruchevsky rural district) there is the ancient village of Dulovo, visible from a distance by the small stone church preserved here. Previously, in the village of Dulovo, Korchevsky district, there was a wooden church in the name of "The Lord Jesus Christ, His Image Not Made by Hands", built by Princess Daria Fedorovna Repnina in 1759. A priest, deacon, deacon and sexton served at the church. By the end of the eighteenth century. rotten vaults and foundations began to pose a serious danger to worshipers. On September 24, 1797, the new owner of the village - collegiate adviser and cavalier Alexander Osipovich Kozhin - appealed to the Tver spiritual consistory with a request to build a stone church with a warm side-altar (at a distance of forty fathoms from the wooden one). The construction, which began the following year with the blessing of the Right Reverend Irenaeus, was carried out by the diligence of the estate owner Kozhin and the labors of his peasants, "with the use of the church purse sum for the benefit," and ended in 1807. The composition of the church includes a temple and a refectory with a bell tower erected over the western part. It is crowned with a low spire, which is currently (due to the poverty of the parish) without a cross. The temple has the form of a cubic quadrangle with a squat rotunda, topped with a thin drum with a dome and a cross. The winter side-altar (on the right side) in the name of Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky and the Wonderworker, was consecrated by Priest Peter Semyonov on June 13, 1809 on a new satin antimension. Soon the wooden church was dismantled and sold to the Pustinsky monastery, its throne was burned, and the ashes were launched along the nearby Sestra river. The magnificent decoration with painting, iconostasis and utensils of this church continued for another seven years: on June 4, 1816, cathedral priest Mikhail Petrov consecrated it in the Name of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands.


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