фото: Ivankovskaya hydroelectric power station. -20° C.

Александр Б. • 17-01-2021  

Описание: Construction of the Ivankovsky hydroelectric complex began in January 1934. The riverbed of the Volga was blocked by an earthen dam, and the floodplain by a dam. The dam was built with the help of hydro-mechanization-alluvial sand from local quarries located on the left bank of the Volga. This was the first experience of using the alluvial method in the USSR on such a large scale. The concrete spillway dam consists of eight 20-meter spans, which are blocked by flat gates. The roadway of the highway is laid along the dam. Directly adjacent to the concrete dam is the Ivankovskaya HPP, which is the first station in the USSR with an open engine room. Two turbines are located in the body of the dam and are covered with metal caps on top. To remove the caps, install and dismantle the units, portal cranes with a lifting capacity of 150 tons are used, designed for maneuvering the gates on the spillway dam. The hydroelectric power station operates on the part of the Volga River flow remaining after the water intake into the Moscow Canal. The design head of the HPP is 12.5 meters. The Ivankovskoye reservoir, or as it is also called "the Moscow Sea", is the largest in the Moscow Canal system. Completed in 1937. On the eastern side of the earthen dam, on the right bank of the Volga River, there is an outport, enclosing dams and a single-chamber shipping lock, which is the beginning-lock No. 1-of the Moscow Canal. The gateway is arranged according to the type accepted on the channel, but it also has its own design features. So, in the bottom of the abutments of the upper head there is a tunnel that passes the highway, connecting the left bank of the Volga with the right. The capacity of the Ivankovskaya HPP is 30,000 kW.


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