фото: Spring! On the icy expanses of the Ivankovo reservoir.

Александр Б.Ivan’kovo • 20-03-2021  

Описание: The width of the reservoir is 2-5 km, the length is about 20 km, the area is 327 sq. km. The reservoir is held by a 9-kilometer dam up to 14 meters high, which is part of the Ivankovskaya hydroelectric power station, located near the city of Dubna, located in the Moscow region. The guaranteed depth of the Ivankovskoye reservoir is 4 meters, the maximum depth is 17.5 meters (in the area of lock No. 1 of the Moscow Canal in Dubna). Shipping to the reservoir starts at the end of April and continues until mid-November. The navigational situation is served by the Tverskoy District of Hydraulic Structures of the Moscow Canal Federal State Budgetary Institution. On the banks of the reservoir are the city of Dubna, Moscow Region, and the city of Konakovo, Tver Region. When the reservoir was filled in the mid-1930s, an area of 32,000 hectares was under water, the territory occupied by 106 settlements was flooded. During the creation of the reservoir, 292 km2 of land were flooded, incl. forests and shrubs 74 km2, farmland 148 km2, of which arable land 70 km2, hayfields and pastures 78 km2. The flooding of the territories of many settlements, including the town of Korchev, required the removal of 4,700 buildings, many structures and communications, logging and forest clearing, as well as special measures for cattle burial grounds. About 50 thousand people were relocated from the flooded zone. Flooding occurred along the banks of the Volga River and its tributaries, the main of which are the river. Tvertsa and r. Shosha with tributaries Lama, Lobyu, Inyukha. During the construction of the reservoir in 1936, the county town of Korcheva was destroyed (first mentioned in the 1540s), whose inhabitants were resettled to the town of Konakovo in 1937. The economic importance of the Ivankovskoye reservoir extremely large, since it serves as the main source of water supply (about 60% of water supply) of the Moscow metropolis with a permanent and migrating population of at least 15 million people. Water supply from the Ivankovskoye reservoir with high reliability (uninterrupted supply 95–97%) is carried out through the Moscow canal with a length of 128 km. On average, 1.7 km3 of water flows from the reservoir to Moscow per year, part of which is supplied to the river. Moscow to improve its sanitary condition (watering the river).


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