фото: The place where the Dubna River flows into the Volga.

Александр Б.Ratmino • 03-08-2021  

Описание: Dubna River is right, a tributary of the Volga. The length is 165 km. the catchment area is 5474 km2. The source is in the Vladimir region, on the Klinsko-Dmitrov hill, the mouth is 9 km below the Ivankovskaya dam. The left tributaries flowing down from the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya upland are numerous: the Kunya, Kobzha, Shibovka, Velya, Yakot, Sister, etc.; there are few right tributaries, the most significant are the Sulot and Nushpolka. In the upper reaches, the Dubna flows in a valley with steep banks, cut by the mouths of small rivers and streams flowing into it. On the flat Upper Volga lowland, the valley becomes wide. The floodplain here is very swampy, covered with low-growing birch forests and alder swamps. These are the favorite places of hunters. In spring, the river overflows for several kilometers and does not enter the banks for a long time. In some places, the riverbed is straightened by artificial channels. Below the mouth of the Veli River, the valley is less swampy. The most interesting part of it is the area of the village of Verbilki, where the Volga-Dubna State Reserve was located (now closed). Here, on the ancient dunes, there are various types of forests with very rich flora and fauna. Below the confluence of the Sister River, the Dubna becomes a high-water and wide river. The most significant settlements are Verbilki, Yudino, Starikovo; the city of Dubna is located near the mouth.


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