фото: Actin'idia kolom'ikta

Александр Б. • 18-09-2021  

Описание: The plant is native to the Far East. It is found in China, Korea, Japan, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin, in the Amur Region, Primorye, on the southern islands of the Kuril archipelago. At the beginning of the 20th century, Ivan Michurin began breeding work with Far Eastern actinidia. His idea to grow a crop in the Middle zone of Russia was picked up by many Soviet scientists. Actinidia appeared in the Urals, in the Moscow region, in Central Russia and even in the northern regions. As a fruit and berry crop, it has been grown on household plots since the end of the last century. It can withstand frosts up to 46-50 degrees below zero. The plant can be grown in cold latitudes, where the frost-free period lasts 3-5 months. The leaves can change their color. In young plants, they are bronze, then they become greenish, bright pink or white spots appear in the third year of life. In autumn, the foliage acquires a yellowish, crimson, purple-red hue. The leaf plate has an egg-shaped shape with a sharp tip and saw-like edges. Variegated foliage is well expressed in lianas growing in sunny areas.Fruits are edible berries of cylindrical shape, greenish, reddish or yellowish color, with vertical stripes on the skin. The size is about 3 centimeters. Fruits are formed only on female lianas, male plants are needed as pollinators. The berries ripen gradually, from August to early September. There are many small, dark seeds in the fruits. The skin is smooth, the berries can be consumed without peeling the peel. Up to 30 kilograms of berries are collected from one adult plant.


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