фото: Space Communications Center, Dubna.

Александр Б.Aleksandrovka • 03-08-2021  

Описание: The branch of FSUE "Space Communications" has been operating since 1980 and is the largest teleport in Russia and one of the largest in Europe. The organization of satellite communication channels and TV and radio broadcasting is traditional for the Dubna SCC. The most important and responsible task is to ensure high-quality and continuous operation of government communication lines. Repeatedly reserved these lines have priority over others. Another important area of work of the Dubna Central Research Center is the switching of communication channels for the Center for Monitoring Nuclear Tests. The Dubna Central Communications Center provides the organization of public network channels of the interconnected communication network of Russia and access to international destinations (mainly the United States and Western Europe). The task of the SCC "Dubna" in the year of the Moscow Summer Olympics was to ensure the broadcast of the Olympic Games to the countries of Europe and the Atlantic region. The technical facilities consisted of a technical building and two antenna systems. The first antenna, MARK-4 (32 meters), manufactured by the Japanese corporation "NEC", was intended to work through the International Space Communications Organization "Intelsat" at the point 335.5° W. The second antenna, TNA-57 (12 meters), of Soviet production, was used to work through the Horizon satellite at the point 14° W. The largest antenna field of space communications in central Russia, convenient access, the bank of the Dubna River is pleasant for a weekend holiday.


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