фото: Anemone nemorosa    ---      jupiter-8 2/50 lens

Александр Б. • 22-04-2023  

Описание: Anemone is one of the earliest spring flowers-ephemeroids along with crocuses and snowdrops. In mid-March, the rhizome of the plant gives a shoot with undeveloped leaves. But in April, the bent stem straightens, and soon a flower of six white petals appears, which will bloom until the end of spring. Thanks to successful vegetative reproduction, groups of several plants are often found, forming whole glades of delicate flowers. You can see them in the forest, it is best for her - in the oak grove. But despite the name of the species anemone oak, this plant is found in spruce forests, and in groves, and many other places. It has adapted perfectly to slightly acidic soils. The classic botanical name of the species comes from the Latin anemone, which translates as "daughter of the wind". Indeed, the plant bends easily under the wind, tilting the snow-white flowers towards the breeze.


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