фото: belgrade_serbia_astronomical-observatory_5

Omri Westmark • 28-09-2020  

Описание: You are free to use this pic as long as you give credit to "Explanders.com" and add a link to the original article: explanders.com/europe-arctic-circle/serbia/belgrade/non-t... Spanning across millennia of human settlement, there are only a few cities in the world with a tumultuous past such as Belgrade, with its history dating back as far as pre-historic times. The Serbian capital is not merely the country’s largest city and economic heart, but also a regional center of the entire western Balkans, a legacy from the time it served as the capital city of Yugoslavia. Due to its strategically importance thanks to its location along the Danube and Sava Rivers, Belgrade was conquered and ruled by several foreign empires over the centuries, leaving a clear mark on every aspect of the city, ultimately defining its character, enriching it with many historic sites, which are being visited by a growing number of tourists. However, if you wish to dodge the swarms of visitors, there is no shortage of lesser-known places to explore, some of which were covered by me during my last visit to the city.


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