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Michael Neubert • 29-07-1997  

Описание: This photo reveals a bit about differences between modern bikes and those of the 1890s. One of the innovative aspects of bicycles was the extensive use of ball bearings, but these in turn required lubrication. Here you can see the ball bearings in the wheel hub which would make them readily available to lubricate but exposed to endless dust and dirt. You can also see that the teeth on the ring are not spaced a half inch apart but roughly twice that. At this point the typical design had bigger, peg like teeth further apart. A bike chain would have gaps between every other link, not each link. Use of this design continued for decades. The pedals surprise me. They have "rat catcher" teeth but a very narrow platform. Whoever designed these relied on the rider having thick leather soles such that these narrow pedals would work. I don't think this was a common design. Title-Paying for his fun Summary-Man working on bicycle wheel. Created / Published- [between 1890 and 1899] Subject Headings - Bicycles & tricycles--1890-1900 - Wheels--1890-1900 - Cleaning--1890-1900 Format Headings Photographic prints--1890-1900. Notes - Copyright by F.T. Harmon. Medium 1 photographic print. Call Number/Physical Repository-Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA www.loc.gov/item/97511391/


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