фото: Nats vs rain, 8/11/2017

Michael Neubert • 11-08-2017  

Описание: Lovely new Skittles rain tarp, which was dragged over the field shortly after we arrived. Ugh! In this photo the rain is not all that obvious; the more dramatic rainfall and thunder and lightening came later. (This was taken a bit before 8 pm.) We were supposed to be entertained by the Rockies and Marlins - you can see some Rocky running the bases on the big screen. This was hardly the worst rain delay experience we have had at Nats Park since many more sensible people either had not purchased tickets or stayed away - and as time went on, many of those who had arrived left. We diehards stayed, which was more than slightly pointless as it turned out. We got soaked walking to our car since the Nationals only passed along to the fans in the Park that the game was canceled after it was known to much of the outside world (the players had already left) and the period of clear weather had passed in favor of yet more drenching rain. No worries, we didn't melt. I guess we see the Giants on Sunday night . . .


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