фото: Up in section 224, Nats Park

Michael Neubert • 11-04-2018  

Описание: Nationals versus Braves, April 11, 2018 I went to this game by myself. A ticket in this section cost $11, with a dollar off as a season plan holder. However if purchased online I would have had an extra $4.00 transaction fee plus a $3.25 "courtesy" fee so it would have been $18.75! Fortunately I work near the ball park so I just drop by and purchase in person. I stayed for all 12 innings which included many changes in who was in the lead (although the Nats were never in the lead . . .). As usual, it took a while for seats to fill in a bit and then people started leaving . . . by the time the game was over, there were only three older men (including me) left in this section, watching to last out, the last strike.


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