фото: Electra Townie 3i with Swytch 250 W front wheel

Michael Neubert • 01-05-2021  

Описание: This was an easy install although the geometry of the bike isn't conventional. To install the pedal sensor I had to improvise since there was much less room than the designers apparently expected. Running at a low level of power assist is a nice help since the 3 speed gearing isn't good for any kind of hill climbing. Just running it in pedelec mode - have to pedal to have power, not a separate throttle. Relatively low power should keep one out of trouble bike not meant to handle. I am slightly averse to having such an important part of the bike (this power assist) relying on zip ties which don't last forever and are unsightly. They aren't under much if any strain but the bike will be bouncing along and after several years the plastic such things are made of seems to fail.


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