фото: View on Konstantinovsky Park and Gulf od Finland. Strelna.

Andrey KorchaginStrel'na • 18-05-2014  

Описание: The lower Park of the Konstantinovsky Palace. Magnificent Konstantinovsky Palace is surrounded by two parks - Upper and Lower covering an area of 200 hectares. They are an amazing sight, but it is Lower Park is one of the first Russian parks, decorated in the French style, and thanks to him, the Palace and Park ensemble in Strelna in 1990, was among the world heritage sites of UNESCO. Lower Park, located in the Western part of the Imperial residence is a beautiful landscape with cascading chain of ponds, greenery and Park sculpture. At the end of XX century and the Park, and Konstantinovsky Palace was abandoned, but in 2000, began the reconstruction of this unique monument of Peter the great's era. The basis for the project of reconstruction were taken from the drawings of the architect N. Michetti, and in the course of restoration works were set in order the shallow channels and ponds, paths and alleys, in front of the southern facade of the Palace appeared a monument to Peter I. Restorers embodied in the life and the ideas that initially failed to realize were built 22 of the bridge, of which 3 are adjustable, and 8 fountains. Thanks to the participation of Constantine Fund, in 2006 in the Lower Park were installed vases made from brought from Karelia and Belarus granite, and soon began work on the restoration of landscape sculpture made of artificial marble. Walkway, the facades of caves and other structures adorned exact copy of the sculpture of the XVIII century, and the Park was returned to the original structure.


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