фото: af Chapman

Andrey KorchaginStockholm • 05-05-2011  

Описание: The af Chapman, formerly the Dunboyne (1888–1915) and the G.D. Kennedy (–1923), is a full-rigged steel ship moored on the western shore of the islet Skeppsholmen in central Stockholm, Sweden, now serving as a youth hostel. Located on the shore next to the Admiralty House, the ship was built by the Whitehaven Shipbuilding Company, of Whitehaven, Cumberland (now Cumbria) UK, and launched in February 1888[1]. It was originally known as Dunboyne, after a town in County Meath, Ireland. Its maiden voyage was from Maryport, Cumberland to Portland Oregon, USA, and it subsequently made voyages between Europe, Australia and the west coast of America. On its arrival in Sweden in 1915 it was renamed G. D. Kennedy and when the Swedish Navy bought it in 1923 it was given its present name after the shipbuilder and Vice Admiral Fredrik Henrik af Chapman (1721–1808). The Navy used it as a training ship and as such it made several trips around the world before serving as a barracks during WW2. Its final voyage was in 1934. The Stockholm City Museum saved it from being broken up in 1947 and since 1949 it has been managed by the Svenska Turistf"oreningen (STF, Swedish Tourist Association) and serves as a youth hostel with 285 beds. During 2008 the ship underwent a comprehensive restoration.[2][3] While the ship was being worked on in a drydock, the adjacent youth hostel Skeppsholmen remained open. Usually, the af Chapman and Skeppsholmen – not to be confused with the islet of the same name, on which both are situated – are run as a single hostel, with the af Chapman offering somewhat more extraordinary accommodation and Skeppsholmen housing the reception, a kitchen for guests, and other facilities.


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