фото: Soviet Heavy Tank IS-3. 1945. Советский тяжелый танк ИС-3.

Andrey KorchaginMoscow • 11-07-2009  

Описание: In late 1944 the IS-2 design was upgraded to the IS-3 (Object 703). This tank had improved armour layout, and a hemispherical cast turret (resembling an overturned soup bowl) which became the hallmark of post-war Soviet tanks. While this low, hemispherical turret may have improved protection, it also significantly diminished the working headroom, especially for the loader (Soviet tanks in general are characterized by uncomfortably small interior space compared to Western tanks). The low turret also limited the maximum depression of the main gun, since the gun breech had little room inside the turret to pivot on its vertical axis. As a result, the IS-3 was less able to take advantage of hull-down positions than Western tanks.[7] The IS-3's pointed prow earned it the nickname Shchuka (Pike) by its crews. It weighed slightly less and stood 30 cm lower than previous versions. The IS-3 came too late to see action in World War II. Though some older sources claim that the tank saw action at the end of the war in Europe, there are no official reports to confirm this. The tank saw no action against the Germans, although one regiment may have been deployed against the Japanese in Manchuria. Starting in 1960, the IS-3 was slightly modernized as the IS-3M, in a manner similar to the IS-2M.


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