фото: Elagin palace. Saint-Petersburg. Елагин дворец. Санкт-Петербург

Andrey KorchaginSt. Petersburg • 09-07-2013  

Описание: Elagin palace, located at the highest part of Elagin Island, was titled in the honour of the first proprietor of the palace – director of the court theatre I.Elagin. The old palace was supposed to be raised by G.Quarenghi. This palace was lost. In 1796 Elagin died and in 1816 the Emperor Alexander I bought the palace for his mother – the widow-empress Maria Fyodorovna. The old palace was completely reconstructed by C.Rossi. The architect erected a new three-storey palace, crowned with a dome, and designed it in the style of late classicism. Suites of rooms and gala halls were situated on the first floor. The center of the palace was the Oval Hall, adorned with caryatids and faced with marble. One of the most interesting rooms of the palace was the Porcelain Study, faced with white marble. Flowers, ornaments and the scenes of the ancient mythology were used in the decoration of the most part of halls, located on the first floor. The palace got the second title – “the palace of doors” because each door in the palace was unique. Rossi designed the doors, faced them with valuable breeds of wood and adorned with gild carving. On the second floor there were inhabited rooms. The church in name of St. Nicolas the Miracle-Worker was located on the third floor. After the death of Maria Fyodorovna the palace turned into a reserve summer residence of tsar’s family. In the beginning of the XX century the palace was used as a rest home of prime-ministers of Russia – S.Vitte and P.Stolypin. In 1918 it was transformed into the Museum of Mode of life but in 1930 it was closed. In 1942 the fire happened and it destroyed the interiors of the palace. In 1961 the restoration of the palace was completed and it became a recreation center. In 1987 the palace got a status of museum again and the collections of glass and porcelain were exhibited there. Nowadays different exhibitions and arrangements are conducted in the palace


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