фото: Louvre Museum, Paris

Ninara • 10-11-2018  

Описание: Antoine COYPEL (Paris, 1661 - Paris, 1722) Athalie chass'ee du Temple, 1696 Athaliah chased from the Temple Athaliah was queen consort of Judah as the wife of King Jehoram, a descendant of King David, and later queen regnant c. 841–835 BCE. Athaliah seized the throne of Judah and ordered the execution of all possible claimants to the throne. However, Jehosheba, Ahaziah's sister, managed to rescue from the purge one of Athaliah's grandsons with Jehoram of Judah, named Jehoash, who was only one year old. Jehoash was raised in secret by Jehosheba's husband, a priest named Jehoiada. As queen, Athaliah used her power to establish the worship of Baal in Judah. Six years later, Athaliah was surprised when Jehoiada revealed that Jehoash lived and proclaimed him king of Judah. She rushed to stop the rebellion, but was captured and executed. (Wikipedia)


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