фото: Louvre Museum, Paris

Ninara • 10-11-2018  

Описание: COYPEL Antoine Eliezer and Rebecca The painter was inspired by a story from Genesis in which Abraham, wishing to marry his son Isaac to a young woman from Chaldea, his native country, sends his faithful servant Eliezer out on a quest for the girl. Having reached Nahor, Eliezer is at a loss as to how to go on so he asks for God's help and is told that the young woman will reveal herself by offering water for both him and his camels to drink. Arriving at a well where many young girls are drawing water, he is ignored by all of them - only the beautiful Rebecca seems to care about his fate, and this is how Eliezer recognizes the one for whom he is searching. The young girl is making a gesture of gratitude as Eliezer hands her the jewels he has brought and asks for her hand in marriage on his master's behalf. (Louvre)


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