фото: Roshchino, Russia

Ninara • 17-06-2017  

Описание: Reconstruction of the war 1944 Finland - Soviet Union in Kuuterselk"a, Karelia. The participants are mostly Russian. Viewers are Finnish and Russian. This event has been arranged every year since 2014 (70-year anniversary) at the same place where the battle took place and according to the same plan. The Soviet Army's offensive reached the defensive position of Finnish troops and the Finnish front was breached at Kuuterselk"a on June 15, 1944. The Soviet army was much bigger than the Finnish and the losses were huge on both sides, men and weapons. These soldiers (actors) are attacking Finnish troops defending themselves in the trench. There are still remains of the war on battlefields, and Russian volunteers are making searches. The remains of the Finnish soldiers are delivered to Finnish organizations that arrange funerals for them, more than 70 years after the war. Some are identified, most of them not.


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