фото: Visiting the Dutch Senate_04

Republic of Korea • 13-12-2023  

Описание: President Yoon Suk Yeol meets with Dutch Parliament Deputy Speaker Raymond de Room and Dutch Senate Chairman Jan Anthonie Bruijn at the Dutch Senate in Hague, Netherlands on December 13, 2023. December 13, 2023 Hague, Netherlands KOCIS (Korean Culture and Information Service) Official Photographer : JEON HAN All photographs in the official Flickr account of the Republic of Korea are available only for publication by news organizations and/or for public purposes with proper attribution to the correct source (photographer and organizations mentioned above). Any distortion to the original meaning of a photograph for provision to a third party through posting and resale, partial reproduction, falsification or use of the photograph with other images is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the government of the Republic of Korea. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------- 2023-12-13 () 'Republic of Korea' ( / ) . , , , 3 (/) .


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