фото: HMS Ocean nearing the end of her Operational Sea Training with Chinook and Apache on deck.

Robert Sullivan • 25-11-2014  

Описание: The ship and her crew not only carry out flying drills with the embarked lynx mk8, but also Seakings Chinooks and Apache helicopters. 'Britain’s biggest warship’, until the new Carriers come into service. The helicopter carrier and assault ship HMS Ocean (L12) is the Flagship of the Royal Navy. In her role as a helicopter carrier and amphibious assault ship, Ocean is designed to deliver troops by helicopter or by landing craft – the ship has six helicopters and carries four Mk5 landing craft vehicle and personnel (LCVP). HMS Ocean recently completed fitting new communications and IT systems which now allows the ship to host a staff, headed by a Rear Admiral, commanding UK and NATO Task Groups. As well as the ship’s role as the Royal Navy’s Flagship, the headquarters staff in Ocean will be the Maritime Component Commander of the NATO Response Force (NRF) in 2016. In preparation for the NATO role, Ocean and the staff will take command of a series of major multinational exercises being run throughout the summer and autumn which will validate the ability to command Task Groups comprising over 50 warships.


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