фото: Takeoff of Brazilian's fighter bombers AMX A-1 during CRUZEX 2013

Robert Sullivan • 05-11-2013  

Описание: The Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise (CRUZ) is a multinational flight exercise organized by the Brazilian Air Force. Its objective is to train in an advanced way common missions in modern war situations. Cruzex also seeks the development of cooperation and acquaintance among the Air Forces, something that's only possible due to shared experiences on training in a collision environment. In 2013, from November 4th and 15th, the seventh edition of CRUZEX involves 9 countries, a record number of participating Air Forces and their aircrafts. Argentina, Canad'a, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Venezuela and Uruguai, besides Brazil are part of the CRUZEX FLIGHT 2013. Natal and Recife Air Bases will be welcoming 86 airplanes and 9 helicopters for this training exercise. In total, over 2 thousand militaries are expected to take part in CRUZEX. Previous editions of CRUZEX happened in 2002 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Except for 2002 and 2006, all the editions took place at the Natal Air Base, a place where the Brazilian Air Force has a great a necessary structure to conduct such an exercise, as well as favorable climatic conditions. Air activities take place over the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. There is no real weapon usage, only shots simulation. Trainings happen over the Atlantic Ocean or other low population density areas. All flights follow strict safety rules, as minimum flight altitudes, standardized procedures for cities overflight and separation of specific areas for training not affecting civil aircraft traffic. The management of air traffic is performed by the Third Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (CINDACTA III), Recife (PE).


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