фото: Donna Lee Penta

Robert Sullivan • 26-06-2019  

Описание: Donna Lee Penta was at her 9th grade prom dance with the rest of us. When the time came for the names of the Queen and the King of the prom dance to be announced her name was announced. As expected, because she was the most popular and the most beautiful and we all knew it. As for the King's name came the surprise..............it was my name and I almost collapsed. The rest for me was a bit of a blur because I was more than a bit shy and now I was the envy of every of every fella there. We make our way to the stage and had our dance. I had her in my arms and she was both stunning and intoxicating. She was way above my "pay grade" and I definitely felt out of my league and unworthy of this brief moment that would carry on and remain in my memory to this very moment. As all eyes were on us, we all too soon felt the magic of that experience slip away. Two kids parted as dance partners and it was over. I was so painfully shy that I let the obligatory end of the dance "kiss" pass out of my grasp and I never forgave myself for that and always wanted to explain myself to her that a shy kid had not stepped up to the plate at that critical moment. As we went on to High School I never seen her again and never to explain myself. It is my hope that you will get the chance to tell her the tale of a kid that was too shy for his own good. I never seen her again. Everyone that knew her knew she had what it took to be a success in the movie industry. A friend of hers told me that she became a nurse and married and had 4 kids and adopted 2 more. As it turned out "motherhood" was her greatest role in life and she excelled. Two of her kids made it into the movies and another onstage theater.


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