фото: Consolidated B-24M-10-CO

Robert Sullivan • 08-01-2009  

Описание: AERIAL VIEW FROM 7000 FEET OVER LAKE ERIE OF B-24M AIRPLANE IN FLIGHT SHOWING AIR SCOOP - WATER SPRAY - JET TAILPIPE NASA Identifier: C-1946-15318 41986 assigned to NACA Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH Nov 1945. NACA’s B-24M became one of the laboratory’s most frequently used aircraft. Mechanics repeatedly modified the B-24M to study different icing phenomena on components such as windshields, antenna, propellers, and engines. Each component had individual thermal ice protection devices which allowed researchers to determine the effect of ice on specific areas. Over the next nine years researchers studied almost all components, including wings, tail, engine cowls, nose, propellers, and antennas in icing conditions. The B-24M was also used to study ice buildup on jet engines. A General Electric I?16 engine was installed in the aircraft’s waist compartment. An air scoop on the top of the aircraft ducted cold external air to the engine inside. Water spray nozzles inside the aircraft simulated icing conditions at the turbojet’s inlet. Later a Westinghouse 24C turbojet was installed under the B?24M’s right wing to study its performance as the crew flew the aircraft into hazardous icing conditions.


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