фото: 45th Anniversary of the Digital Fly-by-Wire First Flight     - May 25, 2017

Robert Sullivan • 24-05-2017  

Описание: The F-8 Digital Fly-By-Wire flight research project validated the principal concepts of all-electric flight control systems now used on nearly all modern high-performance aircraft and on military and civilian transports. The first flight of the 13-year project was on May 25, 1972, with research pilot Gary E. Krier at the controls of a modified F-8C "Crusader" that served as the testbed for the fly-by-wire technologies. The project was a joint effort between the NASA Flight Research Center (now Armstrong Flight Research Center) and LaRC. It included a total of 211 flights. The last flight was December 16, 1985, with research pilot Ed Schneider at the controls. This technology was also honored in the Space Technology Hall of Fame.


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