фото: Amboise

OliBacAmboise • 22-07-2012  

Описание: Entr'ee du ch^ateau royal et chapelle Saint-Hubert. La chapelle Saint-Hubert fut 'edifi'ee et sculpt'ee entre 1491 et 1496 par des artistes flamands dans le pur go^ut gothique flamboyant en pierre et craie de Touraine (Tuffeau) sur ordre de Charles VIII, avant que celui-ci ne d'ecouvre l'architecture italienne. La chapelle sert ensuite d'oratoire `a Anne de Bretagne, avant de devenir la derni`ere demeure pr'esum'ee du corps de L'eonard de Vinci, mort `a Amboise en 1519. King Francis I was raised at Amboise, which belonged to his mother, Louise of Savoy, and during the first few years of his reign the ch^ateau reached the pinnacle of its glory. As a guest of the King, Leonardo da Vinci came to Ch^ateau Amboise in December 1515 and lived and worked in the nearby Clos Luc'e, connected to the ch^ateau by an underground passage. Tourists are told that he is buried in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert, adjoining the Ch^ateau, which had been built in 1491–96. sources Wikipedia France et UK


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