фото: Hommage `a Magritte

OliBacBruxelles • 10-05-2013  

Описание: "Ceci n'est pas un Atomium." "La Soci'et'e belge des auteurs, compositeurs et 'editeurs revendique la d'efense du droit d'auteur de l'Atomium et, comme repr'esentant des ayants droit, en interdit la publication d'images sans contrepartie financi`ere. Bart Somers, pr'esident des Lib'eraux et d'emocrates flamands (VLD) et bourgmestre de Malines a organis'e un concours de photos dont sont effac'ees les repr'esentations de l'Atomium. Le but revendiqu'e serait de lutter contre les droits d'auteurs trop importants sur les repr'esentations du monument." [source Wikipedia] SABAM, Belgium's society for collecting copyrights, has claimed worldwide intellectual property rights on all reproductions of the image via the United States Artists Rights Society (ARS). For example SABAM issued a demand that a United States website remove all images of them from its pages. The website responded by replacing all such images with a warning not to take photographs of the Atomium, and that Asbl Atomium will sue if you show them to anyone.Sabam confirmed that permission is required. Ralf Ziegermann remarked on the complicated copyright instructions on Atomium's website specific to "private pictures". The organisers of Belgian heritage, Anno Expo (planning the 50th anniversary celebrations of Expo '58), in the city of Mechelen announced a "cultural guerrilla strike" by asking people to send in their old photographs of the Atomium and requested 100 photoshoppers to paint over the balls. SABAM responded that they would make an exception for 2008 and that people could publish private photographs for one year only on condition they were for non-commercial purposes. Anno Expo later announced they had censored part of their own report due to "complications" and referred to a meeting they had with SABAM. Mechelen's Mayor, Bart Somers, called the Atomium copyright rules absurd. On February 23, 2009 Axel Addington, Web Content Manager for Atomium, e-mailed a clarification to the Glass Steel and Stone web site, which some years earlier redacted its photographs of the Atomium after being threatened. He stated, "The royalties are perceived (sic) by the descendants of Andr'e Waterkeyn, the engineer who conceived Atomium in 1955, and not by the A.S.B.L Atomium. So, you've probably been sued by the SABAM (Belgian Copyright Company) because of the Waterkeyn Family." From the Atomium's website, the current copyright restrictions exempt private individuals under the following conditions, >>> This is the case where photographs are taken by private individuals and shown on private websites for no commercial purpose (the current trend for photo albums). In accordance with legislation, usage rights for the image of the Atomium would naturally extend to 4th October 2075, in other words, the seventieth anniversary of Andr'e Waterkeyn's death.


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