фото: Pollard Sign Close-Up

upyernoz • 17-08-2008  

Описание: it says "Bush Free your Captive" and shows bush surrounded by hamas leader ismail haniyeh (on the left) and hezbollah leader hassan nasrallah (on the right). under haniyeh, it gives the name gilad shalit, the israeli soldier held captive by hamas in gaza. under nasrallah, it gives the names ehud goldwasser and eldad regev, the two israeli soldiers captured by hezbollah at the beginning of the 2006 israeli-hezbollah conflict. under bush's case is jonathan pollard, the american jew convicted of espionage for passing on american nuclear secrets to the israeli government. thus, the sign compares george w. bush to terrorist leaders that he often condemns. these signs were all over west jerusalem during our visit. apparently they went up just before bush's visit a month or two earlier.


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