фото: Outlet

upyernozZhambyl • 14-01-2010  

Описание: Funny story behind this photo: Our hotel suite had only three useable outlets, one in each room. We never watched TV, so the one that we used the most often was this one, that was behind the TV which we unplugged to free up the outlet. The problem was that every time I plugged in something there would be a spark. The spark was so bright that I could see it shine inside the walls through the crack around the wall plate that held the outlet. After a week or two of plugging and unplugging things, the plate started separating from the wall and eventually was just hanging there by some wires. That made the sparks even more visible which made me nervous. So one day I pushed the plate back up into the wall, hoping to make the outlet look like it did when we first arrived. There was an explosion of sparks which scared the hell out of me (plus burned my fingers a little). Then the lights went out in the entire hotel. This happened on the day of the week that the desk clerk who didn't speak any english was on duty. So I went downstairs and did a little performance for her, pantomiming what had happened. It was like a game of charades. Eventually, I just hauled them upstairs and pointed at the outlet, still hanging out of the wall as pictured here. They called an electrician and it was fixed after that. The end.


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