фото: Surfers at the Bells Beach

Tatters Bells Beach • 07-03-2023  

Описание: We had a short stop at the Bell beach. I should say " we had to stop..." :) Quote from Visit Great Ocean Road site : This beach is on the bucket list of every surfer and every traveler on their Great Ocean Road voyage. But in a country renowned for its jaw-dropping beaches, why is this tiny stretch of sand so famous? To put it simply, it’s the surf capital of Australia. With an international reputation as one of Australia’s best surf beaches. Every Easter, Bells Beach hosts the International professional surfing community for the Rip Curl Pro event. Bells Beach is an amazing spot - either in the water or out. There isn’t much ‘beach’ at Bells, it’s mostly a glorious cliff-face, and views from the cliff-top car park are spectacular - a great spot to watch local surfers out in the water. Not sure how it happenes that Queensland's golden beaches with great surf and much warmer water could have a lower reputation! (!?)


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