фото: Van ride to Andrievo-Ivanivs'ka

marktristan • 03-05-2007  

Описание: Eight of us squeezed in to six seats in the back of a Mazda van for a 1 1/2 hour journey to Andrievo-Ivanivska orphanage, in the southern Ukraine countryside. Our contacts already knew this orphanage and were planning a summer camp there. We would get to stay overnight and have a fair bit of time with the kids. Our travelling companions were our translator, and four orphan siblings we met in Odessa, soon to be adopted, waiting for their paperwork to go through and had lots of spare time. We hung out with them in Odessa and they were such great fun. As you can see, in the van we kept the atmosphere on a roll -- it helped distract us from the discomfort!


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