фото: Borshch for lunch – orphanage near Kremenchug

marktristan • 09-05-2007  

Описание: It was a small dining room, about the right size for the 30 (or so) children at the orphanage -- so we were surprised when we realised they were going to serve us all together! Pleased, too; it was great to join their lunch. We all squeezed around the table with the kids, knee-to-knee. The kitchen was at max, they ran out of cups and bowls. As you can see it was a superb lunch too; on the table everyone has borshch, (the soup), and a plate with meat cutlet, kasha (cooked buckweat grains) and salad. This orphanage really surprised us (this was just one of the ways). It might be that they were being so hospitable to their visitors, as Ukrainians usually are? Or perhaps this smaller orphanage is just blessed: they even had new-looking, good quality tableware.


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