фото: roast dinner for...many!

marktristan • 09-05-2007  

Описание: We wanted to show our appreciation for Igor & Lena and family, our Kremenchug hosts, by cooking dinner for them one evening. We planned an English style roast chicken with gravy, roast potatoes etc. There was just one flaw -- we forgot something about Ukraine hospitality. Not just their family (2 adults, 2 children) and us (5 adults) but also everybody who was with us that day stayed for dinner too (our helper Sergey, pastors Zhenya & Natasha and their daughter Yeva). We rapidly realised that with one chicken and our limited vegetable supplies, and also with our working in a tiny kitchen, a near miracle would be needed. Somehow...somehow!, don't ask me...thirteen people were happy and fed. Although to be honest, I don't think the portion sizes were of the usual magnitude...


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