фото: Ukrainian Cafe

marktristan • 01-04-2007  

Описание: Nic helping serve the last few morsels of Ukrainian food on Sun 1st April... At the first cafe on March 11th we had served Borshch (a warm beetroot soup) with smetana & dark rye bread, and Holubtsy (delicious cabbage parcels with rice, onion & meat filling baked in a tomato sauce). We made this in Grace's kitchen with the help of Vera from Ukraine who runs the East European Delicatessen, and her friend Ira (also Ukrainian) who joined in too for the fun of it! For the second cafe on April 1st, we again served Holubtsy which were so popular the first time round, and something to suit the more summery weather called Salat Olivye which is a cold mixed salad served on rye bread. I enjoyed making the menu signs (in russian, hope I got it right) and the Ukrainian flag mini-posters... we also had Ukrainian music from Casey's iPod. Altogether a cultural "taster" for our would-be supporters in the church.


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