ôîòî: Fieseler Fi156C-3 Storch ‘A-97’ (HB-EHJ)

Alan WilsonD"ubendorf • 13-05-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n 8063 Built for the Luftwaffe and operated as ‘CN+EL’ until it made an emergency landing at Samedan in Switzerland in early 1943. It was impounded and entered Swiss Air Force service as A-97 in March 1943. It took part in the famous mountain rescue operation on Gauli Glacier in November 1946, generally recognised as the birth of Swiss Air Rescue. In 1965, A-97 became part of the Swiss Transport Museum in Lucerne and remained there until January 2016 when it was taken to Poland for restoration to flying condition. After test flying as SP-YRX it was civil registered in Switzerland as HB-EHJ and flew to mark the 70th Anniversary of the original rescue. It has since remained airworthy and has occasionally flown at events, although it is currently part of a semi-permanent exhibition. Flieger-Flab Museum, Air Force Center, Dubendorf, Switzerland 13th May 2022


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