ôîòî: Original ‘Pegasus Bridge’ at Memorial Pegasus

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Caen • 08-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: This is the original ‘Pegasus Bridge’, a rolling lift bascule bridge built in 1934 and installed over the Caen Canal at B'enouville. Originally and perhaps unsurprisingly known as B'enouville Bridge, it was renamed Pegasus Bridge in late 1944 in honour of the operation to capture it in the early hours of 6th June 1944. It was extended by 5 metres in the early 1960s when the canal was widened and was finally replaced by a new bridge in 1994. It was sold to the adjacent museum for one Franc and remains on display as a central point for the memorial. Memorial Pegasus Ranville-B'enouville, Normandy, France 8th July 2022


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