ôîòî: Panzerj

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Bayeux • 09-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: Commonly known post-war as the Hetzer, the Jagdpanzer 38(t) was one of the most common German Tank Destroyers at the end of WW2. Based on a Czech Panzer 38(t) chassis, it was built in large numbers, was mechanically reliable and was easy to conceal because of its small size. Although painted in WW2 German colours to represent a Jagdpanzer 38(t), this example is actually a post-war Panzerj"ager G13. The Swiss Army ordered 158 G13s from Skoda immediately after WW2 and they remained in service until the 1970’s, when many were gifted to museums or sold to private collections. Swiss G13s usually had a muzzle brake, but this may have been removed on this example to better represent a wartime German vehicle. This example was presented to the town of Bayeux by the Swiss Army in the mid-1980’s Mus'ee M'emorial de la Bataille de Normandie Bayeux, Normandy, France 9th July 2022


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