ôîòî: Longues-sur-Mer battery – Remains of Casemate 1

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Bayeux • 09-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: This Regelbau Type M272 casemate was built between September 1943 and April 1944 as part of the Atlantic Wall defences. One of four casemates in the battery, it was fitted with a 15cm TK C/36 naval gun which had a 12-mile range. Due to its location between Gold and Omaha beaches, the battery was bombed from the air in advance of D-Day but was only lightly damaged as a result. During the landings it was attacked first by British cruisers HMS Ajax and HMS Argonaut and later by French cruisers Georges Leygues and Moncalm, together with the Wyoming-class battleship USS Arkansas. By the end of the 6th June only one gun remained operational, although over 100 shots had been fired during the day. The entire battery was surrendered to C Company of the British Army’s 2nd Devonshire Regiment at midday on 7th June 1944. Longues-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 9th July 2022


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