ôîòî: M4A1(75) Sherman DD at Mus'ee des 'epaves

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Bayeux • 09-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: Specifically developed for D-Day, the Sherman DD (Duplex-Drive) had a waterproof canvas skirt fitted as a buoyancy aid and a rear-mounted propeller to act as a drive while at sea. Generally this was successful, however….. This example was part of the 741st Tank Battalion who landed on Omaha beach during D-Day. The unit’s 32 DD’s were launched from 6,000 yards offshore, much further than planned, and this is one of the 27 that were lost en-route to the beach. Recovered after many years underwater, it is on display in an ‘as-found’ condition. Mus'ee des 'epaves sous-marines du d'ebarquement Lieu-dit Escures, Normandy, France 9th July 2022


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