ôîòî: Sainte-M`ere-'Eglise church with John Steele monument. 10-7-2022

Îïèñàíèå: The church in Sainte-M`ere-'Eglise is most famous for an incident which happened on the night preceding D-Day, the 5th/ 6th June 1944. Private John Steele of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment was one of two planeloads of paratroopers who were dropped directly over the village in error. Over the will let square the paratroopers were easy targets and most were killed, but John Steeles parachute caught on one of the pinnacles on the church spire and he was left hanging on the side of the church. Wounded in the foot by a flak burst during his earlier descent, he pretended to be dead whilst suspended on the side of the church and remained there for two hours before being captured and taken prisoner. Four hours later he escaped and went on to re-join his division during the attack on the village. He was awarded the Bronze Star for Valour as well as the Purple Heart for being wounded in combat. The incident was portrayed in the 1962 movie “The Longest Day” with Steele being played by US comedian and actor Red Buttons. The Airborne Museum is sited nearby and a monument to John Steele is maintained on the church. Sainte-M`ere-'Eglise, Normandy, France 10th July 2022


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